Thursday, February 2, 2012


Happy February, everyone! I read the news this morning, and apparently the groundhog saw it's shadow! According to the "experts", whomever they may be, we will "suffer" six more weeks of winter, such as it is! Can't threaten me with 50 and 60 degree weather! I just hope we don't have snow in April! Wouldn't that be a mix up? I wish we could have one good snow, about 6 inches or so, to play in, before spring bursts upon us in it's vibrancy! I love spring! I love flowers! I love to hear the birds chirp their way into my semi-conscious state early in the morning! It's hard to stay in bed with birds chirping right outside your window! There's just something about the sun, the birds, the WARM weather, even the crickets AT NIGHT, that spells peace and tranquility to me! To be honest, I'm glad I'm not SO rich, that I can't enjoy the simple things in life, such as the spring activity going on right outside my window!

Shadows. A lot of times, shadows are used to describe something hard in our lives. We think about the groundhog seeing his shadow and assume the opinion of experts that we will see six more weeks of winter and despair sets in. But what we fail to realize is, in order to have a shadow, there has to be light somewhere. Otherwise, he wouldn't see his shadow. Shadows aren't always a bad thing.

I read one time about shadows. Depending on the position of the sun, an object can appear really big, or really small. Have you ever noticed your shadow as you walked down the street? I used to look at my shadow as I walked and always wondered what it would be like to be TEN FEET tall! LOL! But usually it was because the sun was behind me! But if the sun was overhead, I looked like I was 4 or 5 inches tall. Troubles are often compared to shadows. Shadows are there to remind us that the Light is somewhere very near by!  The psalmist even said, "He that DWELLETH in the secret place of the Most High SHALL abide under the SHADOW of the Almighty." If He is the LIGHT, to be in His shadow means you have to be VERY close to Him. So shadows are not a bad thing! It just means the light is very close to you.

So if your problems seem BIG to you, get closer to the LIGHT and they will diminish. The closer to the light you get, the smaller the problem gets. Instead of seeing the shadow as something to be feared, just look at it as a sign that the Light is near you! Focus on the light, not the shadow. When you get close enough to Him, the shadows just sort of disappear.

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