I grew up in church most of my life. I cannot go into all the details of my life, but I've had my share of pain and hurt. I've had my share of misunderstandings. I've had my times when I felt so alone that no one knew of my pain, hurt and loneliness. I remember as a young girl, hiding behind a face, so quiet because I felt like no one wanted to hear from me. No one cared what I had to say. Pain was hid behind a smile. I was a slave to Satan and was driven to do things that even now, I'm not sure anyone knows what all I was involved in. And really, I wasn't involved in much at all. Mostly, rebellion was in my heart, but I did secretly listen to rock music a LOT before I got saved. But there was a voice telling me no one cared and no one was interested in me. No one loved me! I deserved every bad thing that ever happened in my life. When God would try to deal with me, I ran away because I was convinced He didn't care, either. But as time went on, I began to realize that the deal the devil was trying to make with me wasn't getting me where I wanted to go. It didn't feel very good. One night, as I was preparing for bed, there came a "knock" on my "door". I laid there in my bed, scared to death, heart beating fast, afraid to breathe, because I knew who was on the other side. The voice I had been listening to all my life was yelling in my ear,
DO NOT ANSWER THE DOOR! HE HATES YOU! HE WANTS TO HURT YOU! There was the punch line! HURT!!!! I guess the devil was trying to play his trump card. He knew I had been hurt so much, that he wanted to use that line to prevent me from getting the healing that HE wanted to bring me! But, this girl had had enough. I told that voice,
If that man can help me AT ALL, I am answering the door and there isn't anything you can do about it! As I opened the door and got a glimpse of the man on the other side, my heart broke in many pieces! There stood a man with His hands outstretched and said,
I took this for you! They wanted to hang you, they wanted to hurt you, they wanted to kill you, but I stood in the way and asked them to take ME instead. Here are the scars and wounds to prove it!
All because I love you! I couldn't bear to see you hurt like that! His eyes were shining with love for me! He did not show me the scars to shame me, but to prove how much danger I had been in and though I was unaware of the danger, He stepped in and took the "hits" for me. His body bore the marks of a man who had been in a fierce battle! He showed me the scars to show me He loved me! What a love! I had finally found someone to love me! I was so distraught by the pain He had suffered for me, it broke my heart! But those same hands reached out to me, took me in His arms and held me like I had NEVER been held in all my life! What a love! Not only did He take the suffering for me, He won the battle, so I don't have to be afraid that they will come hurt me anymore. They have tried, but He has somehow kept me from feeling that pain I felt before He came on the scene of my life! Sometimes I still hurt A LOT, but all I have to do is run to Him and those same arms will hold me! It brings tears to my eyes when I think about the many times I've had to run to Him for comfort and He has NEVER let me down! I finally found someone who understands my hurts and can bind up the broken pieces of my heart! And someday, hopefully before too long, I will get to see that man face to face literally. This story has been laid out in the room of my imagination, but the content is very REAL!!! I have a real friend, who's name is Jesus, and He HAS been my friend, and always will be. He DOES love me! He holds me and comforts me! Why anyone would want to reject such a friend, I will never know! I guess they are in the same position I was in. That voice of the devil telling them that Jesus will hurt them and that He doesn't love them. It's a lot easier to believe that lie when you are convinced no one loves you anyway. It's hard to believe in someone who will love you unconditionally! There isn't anyone else in the world that loves like that! But if they would only try Him! They will find what I found!
My Hero.
Praise God! This gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad MERCY WALKED IN!
ReplyDeleteAaww, thanks Michelle! When I think about it, I realize that HE didn't HAPPEN to be in the range of fire by accident, but HE stood in the way ON PURPOSE! Now, that's LOVE! And mercy! And GRACE!!! It makes me love HIM so!!! Knowing what He did! WHY???? My heart cries out WHY????? I felt worthless, but He saw something, I guess.. Maybe He didn't see anything, but still loved me anyway! You can't beat a love like that!
ReplyDeleteThat definitely made me tear up! I feel the same way though. Before I got saved, people would see me n a dress and ask questions and I remember just saying Oh, we're holiness and hiding behind my religion.... but then when I did get saved I felt like WOW! I have been ashamed almost because I didn't want anyone to know that I was saved, and I felt such hurt in my heart, after all God did for me, and all I did was be ashamed of that. So thankful God is merciful and is always standing there with open arms!!!