Thursday, September 6, 2012

This and That

Hello all! We've been in a wonderful revival all week and the preacher has been preaching outstanding! The Lord has been present and we have been helped! We've seen people saved and the Lord has been sending people to us right off the street! It's exciting to see! I'm thankful for the souls that have come to be with us and decided to hang around!

Needless to say, since we now go to church an hour away, we spend at least a little over two hours on the road each night, traveling to and from church! I'm not complaining. It does make things a bit tight around the house, though. I find myself getting very little accomplished. We are homeschooling Moriah again this year (I won't have it any other way) so my time is taken up during the day, then once school is done, it's time to get ready for church. We don't get school started til a bit late (like 10:00am!) because of us getting home so late, and Moriah needs her rest! So we don't finish until around 3 or 4 o'clock! Supper, then get ready for church, and off we go! :)  I'm just thankful the services have been so uplifting and encouraging!

We are having Pastor Appreciation this coming Sunday! I'm excited about that! Pastor Appreciation services always make me cry! We are blessed with a wonderful Pastor and a very sweet Pastor's wife! She is awesome!

I could have strung Moriah up from the highest limb the other day. We were at a certain department store the other day, standing in line waiting to check out. There was quite a gap between us and the lady in front of us, so I told Moriah to move up a little bit. She turned and threw her arms around me to bar me from moving an INCH and said in a stage whisper, "NO, MOMMY! SHE MIGHT HAVE LICE!!" Where she got that idea, I have no clue, because the lady looked clean and nice, but I was mortified!!!! I was hoping against hope that the poor lady did NOT hear my daughter and her mouth! I wanted to... well, I won't go into what I felt like doing right then! LOL! It doesn't matter how much you teach them, they still act like they haven't been taught anything, and she conveniently leaves her manners at home.

Say a prayer for my husband. There is a job possibility that has come up and if it's the Lord's will, I would like to see him get this job. It pays about $6 more ON THE HOUR than what he's making now! And it is in Ohio, so it would help us in relocating. It is a perfect job for him because it's basically what he's doing now, only it pays better! And it's full-time! I got excited when he told me about it! We're praying for a miracle!

Well, I think I am done rattling on. Just wanted to give a brief update on the life of the Jones Family! LOL! Not much to tell! No trouble keeping up with the Jones' like this! :)
Good day!